Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Time Has Come...

Above is a picture of the rental housing market that has been going on recently, provided by the Wall Street Journal. With interest rates still very low, but rental rates on apartments and homes increasing at fast pace, the average rental rate is approaching the 120% mark of an after-tax mortgage payment.

What does this mean? It means for every $100 someone would spend on a house payment as an owner, that same someone is currently spending almost $120 to rent something. Wow.

We recognize that not everyone wants to be a homeowner. There are people who are perfectly happy renting. But if you are not one of those people and dream of owning your own home sweet home, here’s another reason why now is a great time. We’ve even created a page in our website specifically devoted to renters who desire to further investigate a purchase, so be sure and check out our “Get Moving!” page.

Visit our website at or text or call 417.872.9222.

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