Thursday, May 10, 2012

Are You Serious?

We were contacted by some buyers recently who would like to look at a house, but told us that they weren’t real sure just how serious they were about it at that point.

We understand that first time homebuyers (well, any homebuyers) have a process that they go through before they are totally ready and totally serious about buying a house. That process begins by just toying with the idea of moving or buying a home. That process then moves into looking online or driving by houses, and just considering the area or benefits that may come with buying a house in that location. Only after most homebuyers have started looking around and get a better idea of what they’re looking for, or they see a house that seems to meet their ideal of what their house should be like, do they really start getting serious about the purchasing process. Again, we understand this process.

Regardless of where you are in the decision making about buying your first home, just let us know that you want to go look at homes. Again, when you start seeing homes that meet your search criteria and can have a professional sit down and help you determine what you want- or more importantly, what you need-  in a home, then you can get serious about purchasing that home.

For more information about purchasing your first home, visit us at, or simply call or text us at 417.872.9222.

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