Monday, May 21, 2012

Out In the Country Part 3

To continue our series about buying your first home in the country, we need to discuss one big difference between buying a home in the city and buying a home in the country: the size of the lot, or the amount of land on which the house sits.

In a more suburban or rural setting, a buyer is much more likely to encounter a larger bit of land thab thay would in looking for a home in the city, Lots of 3 to 5 acres are common in these areas, abd a buyer needs to know what type of financing program they are using and how that fininacing program approaches properties with more acreage. Some financing progrmas dont allow andy extra acreage at all, and this will havean impact on whether or not you qualify for a loan. All buyers should be aware of the impact that this may have on their lending.

For more information, visit our cite at, or simply call or text us at 417.872.9222.

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